Why Title Loans Offer Fast Financial Relief In South Carolina
When it comes to financial emergencies, sometimes you need to take care of them right away. This means you also have to come up with the right amount of money to deal with them right away. Your emergency isn’t going to wait around for you to gather up the money. This is where title loans near me can come in handy. Carolina Title Loans, Inc. offers fast, friendly service to get you the cash you need as quickly and easily as possible. And if you’ve never dealt with title loans before, they are actually a lot easier to understand then you’ve probably thought of.
What Is A Title Loan?
A title loan is a loan that allows you to use your vehicle’s title as collateral for that loan. Basically, you use your title to get the cash you need. While this loan isn’t designed to be a permanent financial fix or shouldn’t be used as a mean to eliminate debt, you can still use it to help in those expensive, unexpected emergencies. This loan differs from other traditional loans in the way you are able to receive your money quickly. From our quick and convenient process, to us welcoming any credit, we make sure to do everything we can to make sure, if you are approved, you get the money you need as quick as possible.
How We Make Sure You Get Your Cash Quickly
Our Process Is Simple And Quick
We offer two simple options for you to choose from when you decide to get a title loan. Our first option is our classic way. It all starts with you filling out our online form to send us your basic information. After you submit the form, a loan representative from one of our title loan places will give you a call to let you know what the next steps are. Once you finish with the call, you can drive to the nearest Carolina Title Loans, Inc. store and finish the application process.
The second option is much more convenient for you. This option starts by you starting the application process over the phone. Just call 1-800-514-2274 to start the application and learn what the next steps are. During that call, you will be able to tell us where to meet you in order to finish the process. We come straight to you and finish everything we have to do right then and there.
We Don’t Require A Ton Of Necessary Items
Regardless of what option you choose to go through, you still have to bring in the same necessary items. While we do have some required items you must bring, we don’t make you bring in a stack of papers that you have to dig through your personal belongings to find; our items are easy to carry around and bring in with you. Those necessary items you must bring in are:
- Your driver’s license or state-issued photo ID that states you are 18 years old or over.
- Your lien-free vehicle title in your name. This means your title is free of any prior loans or judgments.
- Your vehicle that matches your title. During the process, a quick inspection will be done on your vehicle to determine how much money you qualify for.
We Welcome Any Credit
One bright spot that lets us let you go through our process is quickly is the fact that we welcome any credit. With traditional loans, a bad credit score can really trip you up and make lenders weary about lending you any money. And if you are approved then you’ll have to deal with high-interest rate payments. Here at Carolina Title Loans, Inc., our title loan places will allow you to apply despite your credit score. So if you have poor credit or shining credit, you can still go through the process and see how much money you qualify for.
We Allow You To Use Any Vehicle
Another aspect that allows us to get you your cash quickly is we allow you to use any vehicle’s title. Don’t have a car to use? You don’t have to worry about that. Even though this loan is sometimes called a car title loan, that doesn’t mean you can only get it using a car. You can use any vehicle you have – a car or a motorcycle – so long as the title is in your name and is free of any prior loans and judgments. So if you need a title loan to pay for car repairs but you also have a motorcycle in your name, you are able to use that motorcycle’s title as collateral. Just remember that the amount you qualify for relies on the resale value of your vehicle. So if your vehicle – regardless of whether it is a car or motorcycle – is in good shape, you could be on your way to a decent amount – between $601 and $15,000.
It Really Is That Easy And Quick
So, as you can see, it really is that easy and quick to get a title loan in South Carolina. When you are experiencing your next unexpected emergency – like we all experience every now and again – you don’t have to worry about not having the money you need right away. Sometimes our emergencies will not wait for us to have all the money needed to deal with them. A vehicle title loan can be a great tool to help ease the burden on your wallet so you can best deal with your emergency. Start the process and experience the fast financial relief you need.
Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.